ACROSS kick-off workshop in Stockholm

As a part of the ACROSS project, representatives of Croatian partners prof. Ivan Petrović, prof. Stjepan Bogdan, prof. Nikola Mišković, dr. Ivan Marković and Mirjana Stjepanović from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and dr. Davorka Moslavac Forjan from ICENT visited Stockholm in the period 27-28th of November 2017. They participated…

Visit to Muraplast Ltd. factory

ICENT representatives, together with L4MS project coordinator dr. Ali Muhammad from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, visited Muraplast Ltd. in Kotoriba on Friday 3rd of November 2017. Muraplast is the project partner and one of the three pilot experiments in L4MS project. Muraplast CEO Davor Ujlaki gave visitors a tour of the premises…

L4MS working meeting in ICENT

On Thursday 2nd of November 2017 working meeting with L4MS project coordinator dr. Ali Muhammad from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. was organised in ICENT premises. Representatives of ICENT partner institutions Centre for Industrial Development CIRAZ and Development agency Zagreb RAZA also attended the meeting. Topics of the meeting were ICENT’s cooperation with…

ACROSS kick-off meeting in Zagreb

On Monday 4th of September 2017 kick-off meeting of the project Centre of Excellence for Autonomous and Cooperative Robotic Systems – ACROSS took place at University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). The project is implemented in a strategic partnership as a long-term joint venture between FER, KTH Royal Institute of Technology…

L4MS kick-off meeting in Tampere, Finland

Technology Monitoring and Market Analysis Manager dr. Davorka Moslavac Forjan from ICENT together with prof. Ivan Petrović and dr. Marija Seder from University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) attended kick-off meeting of new H2020 project titled Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs – L4MS. The meeting took place in the period 3rd –…

2nd CROBOHUB workshop held

On Monday, 27th of March 2017 2nd workshop on research and innovations in robotics organized by Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla as a part of CROBOHUB project was held at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). 60 representatives of companies, faculties, universities and government institutions from Croatia, Serbia and Germany attended…